The former Gosford School of Arts, located on the corner of Mann Street and Georgiana Terrace, will be getting an upgrade with an addition of a café and an office space on the first floor.
The café will be right next door to the newly built ATO building so will be perfect for a caffeine pick up for staff working here or for any other workplaces located near the southern end of Mann Street. You could even grab a cup and stroll down to the waterfront and enjoy the Brisbane Water views while taking a break.
The Gosford School of Arts building holds great significance within the community and has been standing since 1888. During its time, it has provided services as a hall, library, chambers for the Municipal Council, an Odd Fellows Lodge and was the site where the first motion pictures were shown on the Central Coast in 1897. It is exciting to see the building begin a new chapter as a café and office space.
The town planners at Barker Ryan Stewart prepared the Development Application to submit to the Central Coast Council for the upgrades to the former Gosford School of Arts, making this process an easy transition for the developers to start works soon.
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