Word record holder and cancer council advocate, Heather Lee, has challenged BRS personally to beat her 250km target for the month.

For the whole of March our office teams will be strapping into our joggers and hitting the pavement to clock up as many kilometres that we can in aim to take over Heather and to raise as much funds as we can for the cancer council.

You can support the Barker Ryan Stewart March Chargers by visiting the below links to our office donation portals or by cheering on, and encouraging a few more steps out of our team if you see them out and about this month.

For Sydney – Go Here

For Central Coast – Go Here

For Hunter – Go Here

All donations go towards cancer council to support those affected now and to fund further research into helping more people survive.

You can keep up to date on our Chargers also by following our social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) and keeping an eye on our website for blog updates throughout March.
