The new planning controls on exhibition are the draft Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) and the draft Central Coast Development Control Plan (CCDCP).

Both the Wyong and Gosford LEP’s shared similar land use zones,  however, the LEP’s permitted different uses within these zones and also had slightly different clauses relating to development standards.

The ultimate goal is to, therefore, have one LEP and one DCP for consistent planning controls across the Central Coast.

The consolidated LEP will standardise land uses and development controls across the Central Coast.  This LEP is not a comprehensive review of all planning controls, but a consolidation of the existing instruments applicable across the region.

Rather than remove permitted uses, the draft LEP generally adds new uses to maintain consistency between the former Council areas. For example, shop top housing was previously allowed in the B5 Business zone in Wyong, but this form of housing was prohibited in the B5 zone in the former Gosford LGA.  The new LEP now permits shop top housing in the B5 zone across the entire Central Coast Council area and will create opportunities for this form of housing in areas like Erina which has previously been restricted to mostly business uses.

The preparation of a Consolidated Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) is the first step in the process of preparing a Comprehensive CCLEP. We are not aware of a timeline for the advancement of the Comprehensive CCLEP but will be watching this closely as the Comprehensive CCLEP will involve more substantive changes to planning controls and will be dependent on future studies including an LGA-wide environmental lands review for E2 zoned land.

Another critical change is the rezoning of most ‘Deferred Matters’ (DM) land to E4.  Council’s Planning Proposal report states: “Some of the DM lands have been identified as having potential for future urban residential development subject to further site investigations being carried out. Land identified as such may have the capacity to provide for more consolidated residential housing on the urban fringe.”  Further detailed studies and Planning Proposals may be considered to determine which E4 land is suitable for future residential development which may generate opportunities for additional housing to serve the growing Central Coast population.

The draft CCLEP and CCDCP are available for comment from 6 December 2018 to 28 February 2019.  Barker Ryan Stewart’s helpful staff are available to assist you if you require any assistance with lodging a submission to Council for their consideration before the close of the exhibition period.
