What is a Green Travel Plan?
A Green Travel Plan is a long-term strategy designed to encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport rather than just relying on cars.
They are often required for large residential, retail and commercial developments to help alleviate the impact that increased travel demand generated by the development has on the surrounding local road networks and communities.
A Green Travel Plan is developed to be site-specific and identifies how developments can incorporate new infrastructure and utilise the existing infrastructure available to provide the best sustainable transport options.
The Plan generally includes measurable targets and objectives to encourage using sustainable travel modes including walking, cycling, public transport, and car sharing. It can also include the provision of end of trip facilities and electric car charging stations within car parking areas.
The Plan is a dynamic document and should be utilised as part of a process of ongoing review and improvement.
What are the Benefits of a Green Travel Plan?
A Green Travel Plan is a highly valued resource and assists developers to incorporate sustainable initiatives into the design and operation of their development.
Adopting the Plan helps to limit the use of cars, which can provide long-term environmental, social and economic benefits for its users, the developer and also the wider local community. Such benefits include:
Our Experience
Our traffic and transport team has been involved in the preparation of Green Travel Plans for a range of residential, retail and commercial developments. Some of the more recent projects we have worked on are listed below.
North West Village, Tallawong
We prepared a Green Travel Plan required for the State Significant Development application for North West Village, a master-planned community located in Sydney’s North West.
The $680 million mixed-use development will include up to 16 buildings, comprising of up to 1,100 residential dwellings, alongside a variety of commercial, retail, and community spaces.
The development is located adjacent to the new Tallawong Station, providing residents access to convenient transport services and other great facilities.
Our Green Travel Plan recommended that a number of sustainable travel initiatives should be incorporated into the design and management of the precinct. Given the site’s proximity to public transport, it was recommended that occupants utilise these networks alongside the pedestrian and cycling facilities available.
Downtown, Zetland
We prepared a Green Travel Plan required for the development application for Downtown, which forms part of the final stage of the Victoria Park precinct located in Zetland.
The mixed-use development will include 546 residential apartments alongside retail and commercial suites. The development will also provide basement parking, associated facilities, and 624 bicycle spaces.
The purpose of our Green Travel Plan was to reduce car ownership by promoting the use of public transport as the primary mode of travel for longer trips and walking and cycling for shorter trips. This included providing initiatives to promote public transport use, a car-pool system, car share system, and promoting walking and cycling as the most effective mode of transport.
Christie Street, St Leonards
We prepared a Green Travel Plan required for the development application for the 36-storey tower development located at Christie Street, in the heart of St Leonards.
This transformative mixed-use development comprises of 239 residential apartments, alongside commercial and retail space. The development will also include an upgrade of Christie Street Reserve, with the proposed design incorporating a through site link.
Our Plan was developed to demonstrate the sustainable transport options unique to the site and provided advice on how to implement these recommendations to encourage future occupants to utilise them.
Need Assistance Preparing a Green Travel Plan?
We are well-resourced and positioned to assist in providing a Green Travel Plan required for your development. If you have any questions about how we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Barker Ryan Stewart office or email mail@brs.com.au