1. Why do I need a Hunter Water Accredited Designer?

Hunter Water requires that any water and sewer systems for new developments are designed by a Hunter Water accredited designer and constructed by a Hunter Water accredited construction contractor for major or complex works.

Hunter Water is a State Owned Corporation that provides drinking water, wastewater, recycled water and some stormwater services to a population of approximately 600,000 people in homes and businesses across the Lower Hunter.

2. What is a Hunter Water Accredited Designer?

Hunter Water maintains a list of accredited design consultants who have previously demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the Hunter Water requirements when preparing plans, constructing works and designing structures.

Accredited designers are responsible for ensuring the works are compliant with design standards, and collaborate with the licensed plumber or accredited construction contractor to certify the works have been built in accordance with the design. They are also responsible for issuing the Certificate of Completion once the routine works are finished.

3. What services do Hunter Water Accredited Designers provide?

Accredited designers can provide a range of services including:

  • Design for Routine Works – Completing the investigation, design and contract documentation for all water and sewerage works in accordance with the Notice of Requirements and relevant design standards.
  • Creation of Routine Works – Acting as the quality manager for the asset-creation process. This includes certifying the design and verifying the works are constructed in accordance with the design. It also involves conducting inspections to ensure the works meet all environmental and WHS requirements in the Developer Works Deed. Once all of the requirements have been satisfactorily met, the accredited designer can then issue a Certificate of Completion for the works.
  • Design for Complex Works – Responsible for completing the design and contract documentation for developer works in accordance with the Notice of Requirements and relevant design standards.

4. What is involved in the approval process?

The asset-creation approval process can be summarised into four main phases:

  • Development Assessment – The process begins when the developer submits an Application for Developer Services to Hunter Water, which is then assessed and a Notice of Requirements is issued. Once a copy of the Developer Works Deed has been signed, the developer engages an accredited design consultant to complete the investigation, design phase and construction surveillance.
  • Investigation and Design – The design documentation is then prepared by the accredited design consultant, who finalises it and submits it to Hunter Water. The developer can then finalise arrangements with a licensed plumber or accredited construction contractor for routine minor works, or with an accredited construction contractor for routine major works.
  • Construction of Works – During the construction phase, the accredited design consultant conducts construction surveillance and is responsible for coordinating connections to Hunter Water’s networks.
  • Project Finalisation – Upon issue of the Certificate of Completion, ownership of the works transfers to Hunter Water and the DLP commences. The accredited design consultant submits a request for Hunter Water to issue a Section 50 Compliance Certificate.

5. How can Barker Ryan Stewart assist?

We are accredited Hunter Water design consultants with extensive experience in a variety of minor and major water and sewer infrastructure works projects for both Hunter Water and local government authorities. We can assist you by providing any of the above services required to help obtain a Section 50 Compliance Certificate.

If you have any questions on how we can assist with your next project involving Hunter Water, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Barker Ryan Stewart office or email mail@brs.com.au.

  • Sydney – 02 9659 0005
  • Central Coast – 02 4325 5255
  • Hunter – 02 4966 8388
  • South East Queensland – 07 5582 6555