The unveiling ceremony was held on Monday the 25th February, with the CEO of NWDS Deborah Gersbach, Federal Labour MP for Macquarie Susan Templeman, and the Hawkesbury City Council Mayor Barry Calvert, the NWDS clients and their Opal team all in attendance.

The purpose-built facility was developed in partnership with the North Richmond Community Bank (Bendigo Bank), ‘The Richmond Cub’, Rotary Clubs of the Hawkesbury, and the Hawkesbury City Council to help enable NWDS to continue to provide services for the Hawkesbury community.

The Opal Cottage provides specialised individual and group-based skill and recreational development activities for people with a disability, so they may thrive in their local community.

Barker Ryan Stewart donated our planning, project management, traffic, and civil engineering services to assist in the development application approval, and to secure the Occupation Certificate for the development.

You can follow NWDS on their Facebook page, to learn more about the services they offer, and to keep up to date with their upcoming events.

Image Source: North West Disability Services
