The industry briefing was open to current and future industry partners to help provide a clear understanding of the NSW Government’s vision and pipeline of upcoming road and rail infrastructure projects.

Over the next four years, the NSW Government will invest over $55.6 billion into transport infrastructure, to help improve the existing networks and increase capacity and accessibility to public transport. This will include over 120 planned projects, with more than 30 of these projects valued at over $500 million. The Minister for Transport and Roads, Andrew Constance stated that the successful completion of these projects will help to “ease congestion, connect communities, and improve journeys”.

The NSW Government is committed to improving local and major motorway road networks across the Greater Sydney region. This will include a $480 million upgrade to sections of Mamre and Mulgoa roads to help support the fast-growing Western Sydney region.

The NSW Government will be investing $4.3 billion into the More Trains, More Services program to help deliver more reliable and frequent services. Similarly, the Government will also be funding the Sydney Metro West, which will connect the Greater Parramatta area with the Sydney CBD. This project alone will provide 10,000 direct and 70,000 indirect jobs.

The NSW Government will also be investing in regional road, rail and freight networks, which according to the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Paul Toole will help to “better connect our communities and make our regional economy stronger”. The Government will also be prioritising improving the safety of regional roads by investing in safety treatments as outlined in the Road Safety Plan 2021.

To efficiently deliver these transport projects, Transport for NSW will need to collaborate with industry partners and consultants to provide the most innovative and effective solutions to help develop an improved transport system.

Barker Ryan Stewart can provide total project solutions to assist with all infrastructure projects. You can read our capability statement to learn more about our services or contact us directly today.
