The proposal is a high quality and responsive design, consisting of 63 seniors housing independent living units, a new club, retail tenancies and 136 basement level car parking spaces.
The Woy Woy Sporties Club has continuously traded at a loss for the past 14 years and the proposal is a significant opportunity to upgrade and invest in the long term financial viability of the site by providing a mixed-use development in accordance with the needs of the surrounding population. The development will stimulate the local economy, provide additional housing for seniors and ongoing employment opportunities during and after construction. The architectural form and design of the proposed development is well-articulated and consistent with recent in-fill development in Woy Woy.
The proposal represents rational, orderly, economic and sustainable use of the land and should be supported for the following reasons:
The Woy Woy Sporties proposal is still in the approval process with a response to be expected soon.
Contact us today through our contact page and let us know about your project to find out what services we can provide for you.
Image – Artist Impression of Woy Woy Sporties Redevelopment – ADG Architects