
18 Apr, 2017

Private Subdivision Certification in NSW

The Building Professionals Board has recently provided new advice to all Councils regarding private subdivision certification in NSW. The advice was provided in the Board’s March 2017 e-news.

29 Mar, 2017

Barker Ryan Stewart Newsletter – Autumn 2017 Edition

See the latest news from Barker Ryan Stewart.
View this email in your browser
16 Jan, 2017

Sydney District Plan

The Greater Sydney Commission has launched the plans for the proposed six districts of the Sydney area. The intention of the district plan is to amalgamate suburbs into their own distinct area so [...]

10 Nov, 2016

Gosford Water Park

Barker Ryan Stewart were pleased to provide planning and engineering services that assisted with obtaining approval for this Gosford water park project.

19 Oct, 2016

2016 UDIA NSW Awards for Excellence

Barker Ryan Stewart would like to congratulate all the winners and finalists of the 2016 UDIA NSW Awards for Excellence. These awards are highly regarded within the industry and among consumers as [...]

15 Sep, 2016

The BRS Office Health and Wellbeing Challenge

Over the next quarter Barker Ryan Stewart is looking to implement the ‘Get Healthy at Work’ program and is committed to making our workplace a healthier one. As an introduction to this, Barker Ryan [...]

27 Jul, 2016

Employer of Choice Finalists 2016

Barker Ryan Stewart have been nominated as the 2016 finalists for the “Employer of Choice” awards not once but twice through the Gosford/Erina and Coastal Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the [...]

04 Jul, 2016

Australian Construction Achievement Award

Barker Ryan Stewart would like to acknowledge the esteemed accomplishment by the construction company Liang O’Rourke in winning the Australian Construction Achievement Award for 2016. Barker Ryan [...]

14 Jun, 2016

Council Mergers

On the 12th of May 2016 the NSW State Government announced the mergers of 19 Councils across the State. These Council mergers seek to improve efficiencies by streamlining administration and [...]

25 May, 2016

Build Magazine

You can view the latest editorial on Barker Ryan Stewart in the April 2016 issue of Build Magazine. This piece provides an insight into Barker Ryan Stewart; including how our company has grown and [...]