News Category: Town Planning

21 Jan, 2021

Barker Ryan Stewart to Help Deliver Infrastructure Improvements Across NSW

Throughout the past two years, we have experienced significant growth in the transport infrastructure sector and our capable team has extensive experience in the provision of our services on a wide [...]

18 Dec, 2020

Barker Ryan Stewart Newsletter Summer 2020 Edition

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Welcome to our final newsletter [...]

29 Sep, 2020

Growth in the Hunter: Australia’s Leading Regional Economy

According to the Hunter Regional Plan 2036, the Hunter is the leading regional economy in Australia and is currently home to more than 860,000 people, a figure which is expected to grow to 1.1 [...]

06 Jul, 2020

The NSW Government Introduces the Planning Delivery Unit

08 May, 2020

What is CPTED? Understanding the Importance of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

04 May, 2020

Another step forward…or is it? The NSW Government announces essential criteria for the Planning System Acceleration Program

These policy changes are driven by the underlying fact that the building and construction industry significantly contributes to the economy and has been flagged by the State’s Treasurer as a key [...]

06 Apr, 2020

NSW Government fast-tracks planning process during COVID-19 crisis

The NSW Government has introduced the Planning System Acceleration Program which, as it is rolled out in the coming weeks, will seek to cut red tape and fast-track planning processes. This will keep [...]

01 Aug, 2019

Coastal Planning

In conjunction with State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018 which addresses how coastal development must be assessed, the Coastal Management Act 2016 establishes the [...]

01 Jul, 2019

Understanding the State Significant Development Process

At its core, the State Significant Development (SSD) process enables the assessment of significant projects at the State level, rather than at the local Council level. 

31 Jan, 2019

New Planning Controls for the Central Coast

The new planning controls on exhibition are the draft Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) and the draft Central Coast Development Control Plan (CCDCP).